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Indian IT services companies are on a downtrend

Infosys's growth rate is the lowest in the company's 43-year history. Other IT majors are lowering their estimates. Is the IT industry on a downtrend?
Indian IT services companies are on a downtrend

The once-behemoth IT services industry in India is facing strong headwinds. Market analysts have been estimating lowered growth rates for most IT majors, and they have not been wrong. Last week, Infosys reported a meager 1.4% YoY growth. This is the lowest growth rate since the company was established in 1981. In other news, TCS, Infosys, and Wipro have reported a drop in headcounts of around 62000 across the three IT majors. 

Elsewhere, significant layoffs have been going on for a long time in companies like Google and Meta. Tesla has added itself to the list, reporting that it is axing a large number of employees. The market has been on a downtrend for some time now. Will it stay the same?

Starting in 2024, major companies worldwide have been laying off large numbers of employees. Market analysts mention that jobs have been reducing in the Tech industry due to a slugish economy, and most public companies are balancing reducing growth with layoffs to maintain their stock prices.

This string of slowness and layoffs has also impacted the IT services industry. This has impacted Indian companies such as Infosys, Wipro, and TCS. Even Accenture has reported slowness in the market and predicted that revenue estimates will be reduced for the upcoming year.

In addition to these woes, there have been multiple uncertainties in the world due to conflicts and wars. The Ukraine war, which has been ongoing for a long time now, has been one of the main reasons for starting the trend of economic slowdown. Right now, the conflict in the Middle East has also added to the uncertainties, and market analysts confirm that these are contributing to slow spending and even slower deal closings.

Another major factor in the IT industry's woes is the advent of AI, which has caused these companies to be on the back foot as they wait to see how these innovations will play out. TCS has reported that most of its employees are AI-ready, and its CEO confirmed last week that they have been given the right training. Yet, it is to be noted that none of these companies have proprietary intellectual or technological software to back up their guarantees.

We believe that the Indian IT industry is on the threshold of change, and it would be interesting to see what happens to it in the coming years.